Biophilic design is the deliberate attempt to translate an understanding of the inherent human processes- known as biophilia – into the design of the built environment. Presence of Water is a condition that enhances the experience of a place through the seeing, hearing or touching of water.
This project consists of an field study, a concept manifest and a design proposal for the area of Brunnshög. Brunnshög is situated in the eastern part of Lund in the south of Sweden. Brunnshög area is a mixture of nature, culture and housing under construction.
The design proposal has a heavy hexagonal theme and an emphasis on meandering water and natural materials.
The honeybees possess a highly evolved social structure as well as a rich and well-developed communication system. I visualise a future where our social structure can prosper as well as the bees’ and have therefore designated a large part of the design to a variety of hexagonal structures. These hexagons act as the glue, or honey if you will, that ties the allocated area together.
Southern Brunnshög, Lund, Sweden
Gryningsparken, Southern Brunnshög
The area of Gryningparken has a lot of vegetation. It has organic shapes which can relate to the study of biophilic design. This area has a lot of edges where you can rest your back towards a tree. Hardscapes are something that makes it hard for heavy rainfalls to get absorbed into the ground and soil. One of the improvements of this area will be to add a water feature for this sake. This park will act as a meeting point and an area for everyday recreation for those who live and work in Brunnshög, with seven larger entrances.
Three of these will also connect to the tram as shown in the movement diagram below. The park will have more movement through the hardscapes and less to the doors of the buildings. As seen in the last diagram the park can be seen as a public space, as well as the main entrances to it. The buildings are seen as private space, the courtyards between the buildings are seen as semi private, and the streets right by the buildings can be seen as semi public because almost only people living in the buildings will use them.
The concept of Gryningparken is based on the analysis of the area. The importance of closeness to water is a main goal for Lund municipality. Even if water is visible in other parts of the area I believe water can enhance the biophilic design in the area. The hexagon shapes are a natural sense as well, for example in honeycombs. The location of the buildings is kept the same, and to keep the flow of the movement between the entryways the built environment will not cover these. The space will remain as a public space as well as trying to make the semi-public spaces nearest to the buildings public too.
The philosophical concept is a landscape that protects the natural ecosystem and a tranquil place for daily walks and recreation. Where the functional concept, is to eliminate poor drainage and recreate an ecosystem.
concept plan
theme composition
site plan
section a-a
section b-b
visualisation by the tram
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